Sdc Demonstration Day

19th of November 2022 - Neversfelde Arena

Thank you to everyone who attended our Demonstration Day event on Saturday, we hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did. It was a great chance to catch up with everyone, after a year of bad luck with our events. We had almost fifty RSVP’s and it was fantastic to see some new faces within the crowd, all ready to learn from our dedicated demonstrators.

A special thank you goes out to our demonstrators, who volunteered their time and put their heads down, to devise such enjoyable, educational demonstrations. We are so lucky to have these equestrian professionals working in our area, so please don’t hesitate to support them in anyway you can.

🐴 Mitchell Brown - Illawarra Equine Centre

🐴 Jim Collin - Jim Collin Equine Training Services

🐴 Alycia Targa - Targa Dressage

🐴 Andrew Harris - A.P.H Farriers

🐴 Pamela Bice - PB Dressage

Additionally, a huge thank you to Jane and Maurice Bruce, who kindly let us use their property and spent their days leading up to the event, preparing the grounds. We also send our appreciation to anyone who leant a hand on the day, as well as in the lead up to the event.

Our next event will be our casual Christmas ride, on the 10th of December. After this, we are hoping to get back into competition in the New Year! Starting with our first official event on the 19th of March 2023 🥳


We would love to hear about your thoughts on the day, and if you have any feedback - as it will help us with the planning of future events.

Additionally, if anyone has some videos or photos from the day, please don’t hesitate to send them to us on messenger, as we would love to add them to our gallery.

(Keep an eye on our Facebook page for some more photos and videos from the day, for those who couldn’t make it 😊)


2024 offical event calendar


The World Equestrian Games 2022